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How to lay paving?

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How to lay paving?

hi Workshop lovers

I would like to get rid of these pebbles from these two areas of front of the house. They are requiring constant care and as you can see in the pictures the growth of unwanted greenery.

what would be the best options here.

my approach was to use pavers on both sides of the front, leveling to the existing pavement. 
If this is the good option, please suggest me the right way to do it. I believe we have to do something to avoid these unwanted greenery to grow again. 



Getting Established

Re: laying Paves on fron ( fresh looks)

For a much lower cost option, you could just put weed mat underneath. This would stop the weeds from coming through. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: laying Paves on fron ( fresh looks)

Hi @Sugar,


It's great you've already received a helpful reply from @KirkyR. Adding weed matting under the pebbles is great insurance to avoid weeds growing up from the soil beneath. Another option to consider is spraying a path weeder over the area. It will kill the existing weeds and prevent them from coming back up for twelve months. Spraying the area once a year would likely be an easy option for preventing weeds.


Adding paving to these areas is certainly an option. Remember, though, that weeds also grow between pavers, so there's still going to be a certain amount of maintenance, but likely less than the pebbles. Here's a helpful step-by-step guide on How to lay paving for a path. It's the same process for a paved area. Also, check out these Paving ideas for outdoor entertaining areas for inspiration.


As these areas have angled sides to them, you'll need to cut the paving to suit. There's going to be a bit of work with an angle grinder and diamond blade to cut the paving accordingly. Please remember your PPE when cutting masonry, including gloves, a face mask, and safety glasses.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: laying Paves on fron ( fresh looks)

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @KirkyR. It's fantastic to have you join us, and many thanks for jumping straight into a discussion and assisting our members.


I'm sure @Sugar appreciates your advice, as you've provided an excellent solution to the issue.


We look forward to hearing all about your projects and plans around the house and garden. Please feel free to reach out anytime you need assistance or have something to share with the community.




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Re: laying Paves on fron ( fresh looks)

@KirkyR and @MitchellMc  Appreciate your recommendations. 

To be honest, I would like bring some change on the front side of my house. Let's say like this: 



there are weedmats underneath but seems like they are there from long time. We are in this house for 3 years now and they must have been there before that. They look like torn apart already. 

I have to get out all these pebbles anyway. What I am planning is: to get out all the pebbles and put a new weedmat and put all the necessary materials for the Pave and lay paves. 

@MitchellMc I know it will involve some work from angular grinder but I have to learn to do it anyway for my tiling purpose. I will make sure that I PPE standards. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: laying Paves on fron ( fresh looks)

Refreshing the area sounds like a great idea @Sugar.


Keep us updated on your project, and please reach out if you need further assistance.




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