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How to add an external sliding door?

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How to add an external sliding door?

Hi all, I’m wanting to replace the window in my second living room/office with a sliding door. 1810mm wide x 2400mm high or thereabouts. I want to provide more access to my side yard and add some light into the room. I’ve had a couple of quotes for about $2500 with me supplying all the materials (so about 4-5k). I feel like that this is something I could do myself? I’m quite good at woodworking and have all the tools just not done something like this before. Wanting to see if the vibe here is that this could be a DIY job. The main things I am already noting is that I will need to have the power moved and I know I’ll need to do flashing not sure what to buy and the best way to install it for a sliding door. Other than that I think the rest is pretty straight forward. The outside of the house is cement sheet cladding, I will need to do some small framework when the window which is wider than the door is removed, a bit of insulation, some plastering and some new cladding. Hoping to hear some of the communities thoughts.


also unfortunately couldn’t find anything product in the Bunnings range to use as a door..



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Adding External Sliding Door

Hello @Bomber25


Thanks for sharing your question about adding an external sliding door to your home. I suggest visiting your local council first and finding out if you need a permit when adding a new door opening to your house. If a permit is required, it's likely that a builder will have to sign off on the installation of the new door. 


In this particular instance, I recommend engaging the services of a registered builder. The installation will be done to code and you can attach the proof to your house insurance paperwork. However, this would be the perfect time to look and learn how the builder prepares the wall and the frame for the installation of the sliding door.


There is always the possibility of making a deal with the builder that you can do the plastering and painting and perhaps lower the price for their services.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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