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How to dissemble kitchen cabinets?

Making a Splash

How to dissemble kitchen cabinets?



So, the water is trapped underneath the shelf, and we've removed the drawer and all the screws, but we still can't pull the shelf out.


Wouldn't it be simpler to drill a big hole at the bottom to let the water evaporate?


This way, we wouldn't even need to reassemble the shelf and kickboard if we could remove that.


The hole wouldn't be visible anyway with the drawer.


Thank you for any advice

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Bursted water pipe and dissemble kitchen cabinets

Hi @ivanptr,


Your cabinet is one unit, and the bottom shelf can't be removed separately. Since there's a drawer to conceal your hole, drilling through the shelf for inspection purposes wouldn't be a bad idea. Preferably, a large hole along the lines of 100mm would be best so you could get some rags in there to mop up any residual moisture. 


How much water made it under the cabinetry? If this was just a single leak event, the cabinetry will likely dry out within a few days and shouldn't be compromised. It's prolonged leaks over several months that really swell up the chipboard and cause it to disintegrate.


Have you checked to see if the kickboard is pushed on and retained by clips? Try pushing it on all corners to see if it moves at all.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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