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What are these bugs on my Monstera?

Finding My Feet

What are these bugs on my Monstera?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What are these bugs on my Monstera?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Khodgs05. It's lovely to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about bugs on Monstera.


I can't see much that I'd recognise as insect-like in your photo or damage from insects. Were you referring to the brown marks I circled in the image below?


The browning of the leaves is likely the biggest concern here, and I'd suggest that it is most likely due to under or overwatering. What is your watering regime like? Please be very specific about how often you water, whether the soil is moist or dry when you do and how much water you apply. I give my Monstera a good soaking once a week and ensure their pots have adequate drainage.


Here's a helpful guide on How to grow and care for Monstera.


I'm keen to know more about the insect issues you're experiencing. Please let me know if you have any questions.







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Re: What are these bugs on my Monstera?

Thank you for getting back to me Mitchell. I have attached another photo to see if the bugs are more obvious.. they are yellow.  It sounds like you think it's more a watering issue though.  I'm finding the Monstera very hard to keep happy.  I try to water it once a week but I'm worried about overwatering so I possibly am not watering it enough on that day. How much water would you suggest?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What are these bugs on my Monstera?

Hello @Khodgs05 


Looking at the picture you posted, I suspect it is an infestation of white flies. I suggest using Yates 750ml Ready To Use Nature's Way Citrus And Ornamental Spray. Nature's way contains pyrethrin, a natural insecticide derived from the pyrethrum daisy and canola oil to control a wide range of both chewing and sucking insect pests, with the bonus of added seaweed to boost plant growth.


Burnt crispy brown edges on your leaves is an indicator that your Monstera needs more water. I suggest slightly increasing your watering schedule, but at the same time keeping an eye on the soil's moisture level. By digging your finger to at least 20mm into the soil, you should be able to tell if the soil is waterlogged or not.


I also recommend moving your Monstera out of direct sunlight and into a shaded area with indirect sunlight.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: What are these bugs on my Monstera?

Thank you Eric! I will try each of your suggestions.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What are these bugs on my Monstera?

I saturate the pot once a week @Khodgs05. This means I add water to the pot until all the soil is wet and the excess water runs out of the holes on the bottom of the pot. 


As @EricL mentioned, Monstera like bright indirect light and are easily burned if they receive direct light; this goes for inside too. If the plant is sitting inside a window that gets direct sunlight, the glass can amplify the effect. Look for a nice sunny and bright location where the plant doesn't actually have the sun shining on it.


Please let us know how you go, including if you see any improvement.




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