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Craft room with storage

Amassing an Audience
Amassing an Audience


Shelves, storage tubs, baskets, a pegboard and plasterboard wall fixings used to organise a new craft room.



The project


We had a small empty room upstairs that has a sloped ceiling and is a bit of an awkward space, so I decided to turn it into my craft room and study.  




Step 1


As the roof slopes down almost to the floor on one side of the room, I really wanted to make the most of the space against the high wall. So, I decided to utilise the wall space with a storage system by Flexi Storage Home Solutions. 

I first put two desks together against the wall to work out how much wall space I had to work with. Then I measured up the wall and made a design on the planner on the Flexi Storage website. 




Step 2


Next, I got everything I needed for my custom-designed storage system and started with attaching the hang tracks and double slot wall strips to the wall. For support, I made sure to attach a few sections into the studs with metal screws (we have steel studs) and the rest into the plasterboard with plasterboard wall fixings.



Step 3


The next step was the fun part, adding all the accessories. Everything from the home solutions range is made to fit into or hook onto the tracks. I added a mixture of shelves, hooks, baskets and tubs.






Step 4


Lastly, I added a clever cube storage unit for extra storage along with some cube accessories like the shelf dividers and baskets to better organise the space.  


I then added all my craft supplies. I love how organised this space is. It makes crafting a lot more fun when everything has a spot and can easily be found. 





I find I spend a lot more time in there now that everything is organised. Before, most of my craft supplies were in boxes, so if I wanted to do a quick project it would take me longer just trying to find everything I needed. Now I have more motivation as it’s quite an enjoyable and peaceful space to work in. 



Home Improvement Guru

Afternoon @prettyliving 

:smile: Now thats a good looking area, I was stirring the guys I work with and saying drop the "craft" part and insert "electronics" and they would be in heaven! :laugh:

Yes they were envious!


Nice way to use a space functionally :smile:




Amassing an Audience

@Dave-1 haha it would make a pretty cool electronics room 😉

thank you ☺️

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