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Ring Door Chime Pro with Wifi Extender

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Ring Door Chime Pro with Wifi Extender


Not having a great deal to do with the Ring products yet and I say yet because I am about to do a manufacture course in the next week but I had a fantastic repeat customer asking if I could look into this product as he had a Ring Door Bell but also wanted a Wifi extender for an Orion Garage Opener being used for a front gate that was working fine with that Garage Door open but once closed the wifi signal was lost. So I did some research and it is only fitting to share it up here with you all.


First off the product can be found here.


I also did some digging on YouTube on setup of the product found below.


And finally does the wifi extender work with other devices?


So it a nutshell NO, the Ring Door Chime Pro Wifi Extender only extends the wifi signal to its own products which is a bit disappointing.

But don't fear there are other options.


Alternate is a wifi mesh


The product is great if you require by the noise of the door bell and you want to also extend that to other ring devices but if you are wanting to mix and match then you need to look at what is priority and is there an alternate method or do I need additional products to complete the task?


Happy Automations Bunnings Peeps 

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