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First home owner reno bliss

Finding My Feet

First home owner reno bliss

front afterfront after

In 2020 my husband and I bought our first home. 


To get through the lockdowns over the past 2 years I spent many days planning and researching budget-friendly ways to renovate our little home to make it our own. I wanted to find ways we could do everything ourselves - and we did!


Overtime I renovated the entire home in some way or another (with some help here and there from hubby and my mum).

All skirtings and trim were sanded and painted throughout the house with Dulux Aqua-enamel.


All kitchen and bathroom cupboards were sanded, primed and painted with White Knight Tile and Laminate.


The kitchen and bathroom benchtops were sanded, painted and sealed using the Rustoleum Benchtop Kit.


Bathroom shower and bathtub were painted using the White Knight Tub and Basin kit.


Bathroom and laundry tiles were painted using the Rustoleum Tile Transformation kit and the taps were replaced with sets from Bunnings.


After finishing the inside of the home I decided the outside needed a refresh as well!

All fascia surrounding the home was painted using Dulux WeatherShield.


I used the same paint on the screen door, letterbox and canvas awnings that cover the windows and the same paint to freshen up the backyard fence. Love this colour! (Monument)


A project my husband and I worked on together was the garage. We renovated this into a home gym.


Using Dulux WeatherShield for one wall and remaining walls were covered in laminate wood flooring.

After MANY, MANY trips to Bunnings and their click and collect lines and many paint brushes, rollers, Scotch painters tape, sand papers, drop sheets and paint tins later we have a home we have made into our own beautiful space.


Next project - the garden!


Awning afterAwning afterAwning beforeAwning beforeBath tub afterBath tub afterBath tub beforeBath tub beforeBathroom afterBathroom afterBathroom beforeBathroom beforefence afterfence afterfence beforefence beforefront afterfront afterfront beforefront beforegarage aftergarage aftergarage aftergarage aftergarage beforegarage beforegarage beforegarage beforekitchen afterkitchen afterkitchen beforekitchen beforelaundry afterlaundry afterlaundry beforelaundry beforeshower aftershower aftershower beforeshower before


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: First home owner reno bliss

Sounds like you've been very busy @JenniferW. Congrats on a job well done. Please let us know if you need a hand with the garden. You might want to start with this guide - How to plan a garden makeover.


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